Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Greeting from Australia

Hello All, just a brief note to let you know I have arrived

Well I am here and what a journey it was. If i knew the flight was going to be that bad then I may well have reconsidered. Part of me was wanting a bomb to go off to break the monotony. The food was nice, appart from the Brasied beef in Red wine sauce. I found the large amounts of fat on the meat were not cooked to my specification. Naturally I wanted to complain to the captain but apparently he was not accepting visitors due to the turbulance, so the First Officer had to do.

When I arrived in Hong Kong, it felt that like I was almost there, and I was, appart from the remaining 8 hour flight.

I arrived in Melbourne at 8pm Oz time and was thoroughly exhausted. Belinda was waiting at the gate and although she said she came to pick me up, I can't help but think she just drove to the airport to test drive the new car that she bought that morning. I still believe she is more excited about picking up that car than picking me up from the airport, and to be fair I don't blame her.

When we arrived at her house I thought the best thing I could do was to go out and start drinking, and so we did. It felt like a good idea but I cant help but think that this may have been a major contributor to the 2 day insomnia that ensued. This is why it has taken me so long to write this blog, as my eyes have just started functioning again.

On Saturday, we went into Town, or as they call it over here, the CBD. Melbourne is a lovely city, a mixture of tall highrise buildings and small colonial one (so colonial, it brought a tear to my eyes about the good time, hey Bigtime). Its odd as it has a big city feel but not the hectic crowded atmosphere of one. However, I was not in any fit state to draw comparisons due to the old sleep deprivation.

Food here is lovely, had my first chicken parma on sunday (a local obsession it would seem). Melbournians will only eat food which have chilli in it, even the chocolate. It will be some time before I have a chocolate chilli muffin thats for sure.

Any way I promised not to make these too long and so I stand by this. Just a note about the TV. God its bad, i can't believe the creator of such a beautiful invention as Sky heralded from a place where good wholesome television plays second fiddle to adverts. Belinda's house mate was watching 'Greys Anatomy' last night and a show which should last an hour went on to last 1hour 20 mins. (20 mins of that rubbish would be long enough). Luckily I have Yes Prime Minister in my bag. I didn't think I would need to get that out until the 3rd week but, needs must.

Any way I hope all is going well at home and say well done to your brother, Bigtime on his results.

All the best

Thursday, August 17, 2006

going, going, gone

Ru has left for Oz

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Me with some of my closest friends celebrating my 30th! Gosh, I'm getting old.